Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fall Frenzy

Wow... the pace at the Riddle house has been fairly frantic as school begins and after school activities flourish. Rod is getting ready to begin construction of "The Store" in Midway. I am now working on my Reading Endorsement and teaching adult-learning Math classes after school. McKay is loving middle school... we can't believe she's that old! She grows taller and more mature everyday. She has been babysitting and is awesome at it. Lander is still working on building his leg muscles. He likes 4th grade and was just put on as a member of the student council. Porter thinks 1st grade is awesome. He is reading and thriving both academically and socially. I love watching him at recess... he is so friendly to everyone and makes new friends everyday. It would be nice if we all had his confidence and ability to reach out to others.

1 comment:

Kira Thunell said...

McKay is an awesome babysitter - we love her!! I think Jackson calls dibs on her, she will forever be his Kamy.

And in your busy schedules don't forget to add a night or two for Sequence with your favorite neighbors ever! :)

Smooches to the Riddles...well maybe Huggies to the Riddles would sound more appropriate. We love you but not like that. :)

Porter the "rock" star

Porter the "rock" star

Laid-back Lander

Laid-back Lander

McKay... she's quite a catch!

McKay... she's quite a catch!